One moment in the presence of God can change everything. We pursue the presence of God in all we do.
We were made to worship. While this may look different for each of us, our worship is spirit-filled and authentic.
Following Jesus means following his example of humility and forgiveness. We forgive others because Christ first forgave us.
Unity is at the core of who God is. We don't gossip, we speak life; we don't tear down, we build up. We each play our role in protecting the Body of Christ.
God-honoring relationships require commitment and sacrifice. We actively pursue authentic relationships no matter the cost.
Contributing not Consuming
God created each of us for a purpose. We commit ourselves to actively contributing to growing God's Kingdom.
Mercy and justice are at the heart of the mission of God. We're committed to helping hurting people (mercy) as well as addressing the cause of that hurt (justice).